modern culture since 1991

Wings Over Sealand


“The country’s top authority on computer and video games.”Wired

“Britain’s best games journalist”
– Need To Know

“Someone who’s forgotten more about computer and video games than most of us will ever know.” PC Gamer

“A man who knows his stuff.”

“Videogames journalism’s answer to Al-Qaeda” – Eurogamer

“A veteran UK journalist whose work is lamentably not seen enough.”
The Escapist

“A proper videogame journalist.”
– P2 magazine

“Games reviewing’s own cross between Barry Norman and Vinnie Jones.” Amiga Format

“[Someone] whose mission is to make game designers want to slit their wrists rather than ever design a game ever again.” – Jeff Minter, Llamasoft

“The funniest and most scathing writer I can recall.” – Steve Carey, Future PLC

Despicable… universally hated by the games industry.
– Jeremy “Jez” San OBE, Argonaut




Stuart first entered the world of videogaming in 1977, when he won a Pong console in a competition he didn’t enter, held in a town he’d never been to.

Stuart was Scotland’s National Videogames Champion in 1987, the UK’s National Videogames Champion in 1988, and a member of the UK’s winning European Videogame Championship team in Paris in 1990. He subsequently retired from professional competition undefeated, to give everyone else a chance.

In addition to his journalistic career, Stuart was Development Manager at Sensible Software during 1994 and 1995, overseeing the development of the chart-topping games Cannon Fodder 2 (also designing most of its levels) and Sensible World Of Soccer. In addition he’s created many original freeware games, of which he’s most proud of The Great Rock’n’Roll Swindle Pinball and the Headsoft-coded Manic Miner – The Lost Levels. He was also the main writer on 2012’s Hell Yeah! – Wrath Of The Dead Rabbit by Arkedo for Sega.

Stuart owns over 45,000 video games.

Stuart lives inside a videogame (on a street immortalised in a classic 1984 Spectrum title). He drives the only car that’s ever been used as an arcade videogame controller.

0 to “About”

  1. DB says:

    Hi. Thanks for your efforts here. I'm looking forward to the marquee and bezel designs for the icade! You wrote a glowing review of the iphone game evolution tennis. I'm interested in tennis games too but haven't been able to find any other info about it. I wouldn't mind seeing some video of the gameplay before I purchase it. Is there anyway of capturing some video of it so that I can see what all the hubbub is about?

  2. RevStu says:

    A video would do almost nothing to explain how the game works or why it’s so great. It’s 69p, man – just once, have a crazy gamble and take my word for it. If it doesn’t work out, you’ll know not to believe me in future, which would be a valuable lesson well worth the money in itself.

  3. DB says:

    Well, it wouldn't be the first time I've taken a crazy gamble. I'll give it a shot! Any word on your icade designs? Like so many others, the icade/imame experience has got me all nostalgic for old days.

  4. Old Sam says:

    Hello RevStu,
    I'm not sure where to post this so apologies if it's a weird place.  I notice on RPS that there's a new Cannon Fodder – I'd love to read a ruthless deconstruction of its failings.  Do you think you'll be taking a look? 

  5. Anon says:

    About that RR Type 4 thing you wrote a while back…

    "But nobody wants to read 800 words about the Nissan Skyline (nobody who doesn’t urgently need drowning in a bucket, anyway)"

    Seriously? Do you really hate Gran Turismo and it's fan base that much?

  6. RevStu says:

    “Seriously? Do you really hate Gran Turismo and it’s fan base that much?”

    Nah. I toned the article down, I hate them twice that much.

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    Hello. I am the Rev. Stuart Campbell,
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